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Management structures and mediatization of governmental agencies – translations and consequences

Vetenskapliga publikationer

Fredriksson, M., Schilleman, Thomas och Josef Pallas (2015) "Determinants of organizational mediatization: An analysis of the adaptation of Swedish government agencies to news media". Public Administration DOI: 10.1111/padm.12184. Länk till abstract

Pallas J., Fredriksson, M. & Wedlin, L. (2016) “Translating institutional logic – when the media logic meets professions”. Organization Studies. First published on July 13, 2016.

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2016) "Much ado about media: Public relations in public agencies in the wake of managerialism." Journal of Public Relations Research.

Pallas, J. Wedlin, L. & Grünberg J. (2016) "Organizations, Prizes and Media." Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2016) "Characteristics of public sectors and their consequences for strategic communication". International Journal of Strategic Communication. 10(3): 149-152

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2016) "Diverging principles for strategic communication in government agencies." International Journal of Strategic Communication. 10(3): 153-164.


Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2016) ”Translating Public Relations: A discussion of what organizational institutionalism has to offer to research on public relations.” in Coombs T. W., Holladay, S. J. & Dodd, M. D. (eds.) Handbook of Public Relations Theory and Methods. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell.

Pallas, J & Fredriksson, M. (2017) “The localities of mediatization. How organizations translate the ideas of media in everyday practices”. In: Hjarvard, S., Bolin, G., Hepp, A. & Driessens, O. (eds) Dynamics of mediatization: Understanding cultural and social change’ enclosed. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell.

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (accepted) Media In R. L. Heath and W. Johansen (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (accepted) Corporate Media In R. L. Heath and W. Johansen (Ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (accepted) "Public sector communication and media visibility and mediatization." In: Luoma-aho, V. & Canel, M-J. (eds) Handbook of Public Sector Communication. Boston: Wiley-Blackwell.


Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2015) ”Media at the center: Public relations in public administrations in the wake of managerialism." Mediatization of bureaucracy – 4th workshop on the Comparative Analysis of Bureaucracy in Society. 3 – 4 December. University of Oslo, Oslo.

Pallas, J. (2015) ”Translating media(tization) into organizational contexts”. International Research Seminar - New Directions in Mediatization Research: Culture, Conflict and Organizations. 1-2 October, Copenhagen.

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2015) ”Governmental communication in the wake of mediatization”. International Journal of Press/Politics Conference. 17 - 18 September, Oxford.

Pallas, J. & Fredriksson, M. (2015) ”Public Relations in the wake of managerialism - Why career managers of public administrations are more eager to control their own and their organization’s media activities compared to field professionals”. 22nd International Public Relations Symposium BLEDCOM 2015. 3-4 July, Bled.

Pallas, J. & Fredriksson, M. (2015) ”Mediability and Public Sector Organizations", 2015 Academy of Management Meeting. 7-11 August. Vancouver.

Pallas, J. & Fredriksson, M. (2016) ”Mediatization and dynamics of organizing in public, private and civic sector - in a quest of cross sectional and multilevel analysis”. ECREA 2016 Conference. 9-12 November, Prague.

Pallas, J. & Fredriksson, M (2016) ”Translating (media) autonomy into public sector organizations”. International Communication Association conference. 9-13 June, Fukuoka.

Fredriksson, M. & Pallas, J. (2016) “Public sector public relations: in the intersection of institutional conditions”. International Communication Association conference. 9-13 June, Fukuoka.

Figenschou, T. U., Fredriksson, M., Salomonsen, H. H. & Pallas, J. (2017) ”Mediatization in translation – The Nordic experience”. Global Challenges - Nordic Experiences. 20-21 March, Oslo.

Political representation of future generations. Sustainability in political language, France 1780–1850

Nordblad, Julia (2017). "Time for politics: How a conceptual history of forests can help us politicize the long term", European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 20, nr 1, 2017
Epub ahead of print

Nordblad, Julia (2018). "Historicising the Question of Democracy's Presentism: The Concept of Interest and Political Languages of the Future in France, 1830–1850”. Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2018, pp. 44-70

Nordblad, Julia (2020). "Concepts of Future Generations: Four Contemporary Examples", in Jenny Andersson and Sandra Kemp (eds.), Futures: A Reader, Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

Nordblad, Julia (2021). "On the Difference Between Anthropocene and Climate Change Temporalities”, Critical Inquiry, Winter 2021-2 (forthcoming).

Publicly owned corporations. A threat to transparency, accountability and democratic legitimacy?

Vetenskapliga publikationer

Erlingsson, GÓ, A Thomasson, R Öhrvall, M Fogelgren & F Olsson (2015). ”Att bolagisera kommunal verksamhet: Implikationer för granskning, ansvarsutkrävande och demokrati?”, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 117(1), 255–286.

Thomasson, A. (2016). ”What about the board? Issues of transparency and accountability in board composition”, in. I. Lapsley and H. Knutsson. Modernizing the public sector: Scandinavian perspectives, 149–162. London: Routledge. 

Erlingsson, G. and E. Wittberg (2017). De kommunala bolagen och offentlighetsprincipen. Norrköping: Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier.

Grossi, G., Reichard, C., Thomasson, A., and Vakkuri, J. (2017). ”Performance measurement of hybrid organizations: Emerging issues and future research perspectives”, Editorial article for the PMM Theme on ”Performance measurement in hybrid organizations”, 37(2).

Knutsson, H and Thomasson, A. (2017). "Exploring organisational hybridity from a learning perspective", Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 14(4), 430–447.

Erlingsson, GÓ, A. Thomasson and R. Öhrvall (2018). “Transparency, accountability and control in hybrid organizations: The case of enterprises owned by local government”, i Bononi, Andrea med flera [red.] Hybridity and Cross-sectoral relations in the Delivery of Public Services. Bingley: Emerald.

Erlingsson, Gissur Ó and Joakim Hessling (2018). Hur regleras kommunala bolags möjligheter att sponsra? Norrköping: Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier.

Erlingsson, Gissur Ó and Emanuel Wittberg (2018). ”They Talk the Talk – But Do They Walk the Walk? On the Implementation of Right to Information-legislation in Sweden”, Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, accepterad

Bergh, Andreas & Gissur Ó Erlingsson (2019). ”Riskerar kommuners tillväxtpolitik att göra mer skada än nytta?” Ekonomisk Debatt, 47(7), 50–61.

Bergh, Andreas, Gissur Ó Erlingsson, Anders Gustafsson and Emanuel Wittberg (2019). “Municipally Owned Enterprises as Danger Zones for Corruption? How Politician's Having Feet in Two Camps May Undermine Conditions for Accountability”, Public Integrity 21(3), 320–352.

Thomasson, A. (2019). “The Importance of Owner Relationship in Shaping Hybrid Organizations”, in Alexius, S. och Furusten, S. (ed). Managing Hybrid Organizations, Palgrave MacMillian.

Bergh, Andreas & Gissur Ó Erlingsson (kommande). “Kommunala bolag – i vems intresse?”, Nordisk Administrativ Tidskrift (accepterad för publicering i nr 1/2020).

Bergh, Andreas, Gissur Ó Erlingsson & Emanuel Wittberg (2021). “What Happens When Municipalities Run Corporations: Evidence from 290 Swedish Municipalities”, Local Government Studies. Early View Online.

Erlingsson, Gissur Ó, Emanuel Wittberg & Markus Lindström (2020). ”Municipally owned enterprises and heightened corruption risks”, QoG Working paper no 2020/2. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute.

Erlingsson, Gissur Ó & Anna Thomasson, red. (2020). Kommunala bolag. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Thomassson, A. (2020). ”Risk för korruption i kommunala bolag”, Organisation & Samhälle


Thomasson, A. (2015). "Ställ krav även på kommunala bolag." SVD Brännpunkt. Publicerad 25 maj 2015.

Thomasson, A. (2016). "Vänskapskorruption ett problem också i kommuner." Publicerad på DN debatt den 27 augusti 2016.

Erlingsson, G. (2016). "Godtrogenhet sänker garden mot korruption." Dagens Samhälle. Publicerad 25 februari 2016.

Erlingsson, G. (2017). ”Goda argument för mer jämställda kommunbolag”. Södermanlands Nyheter. Publicerad 22 april 2017.

Erlingsson, G. (2017). ”Myndigheter måste följa lagen bättre”, Publikt. Publicerad 21 november 2017.

Erlingsson, G. (2018). ”Ställ rätt frågor om sponsring”, Kommunal ekonomi (2018/6). 

Subterranean politics: The world and work of policy professionals

Vetenskapliga artiklar

Selling, Niels. 2020. “What to Lobby on? Explaining Why Large American Firms Lobby on the Same or Different Issues.” Business and Politics 22(3):449–76. http://10.1017/bap.2019.24 Ladda ner pdf

Niels Selling 2021. “The long shadow of lobbying: ideational power of lobbying as illustrated by welfare profits in Sweden”, Interest Groups & Advocacy volume 10, pp 47–67. Ladda ner pdf

Selling, Niels & Svallfors, Stefan “The lure of power: Career paths and considerations among policy professionals in Sweden”. Politics & Policy, Vol 47 (5) (2019): 984-1012. Ladda ner pdf

Svallfors, Stefan & Anna Tyllström “Resilient Privatization: The Puzzling Case of For-Profit Welfare Providers in Sweden”, Socio-Economic Review, (2019), Vol. 17 (3): 745–765. https://doi:10.1093/ser/mwy005 Ladda ner pdf

Svallfors, Stefan “Knowing the game: motivations and skills among partisan policy professionals”, Journal of Professions and Organization, Vol 4 (1): 55-69 (2017). Ladda ner pdf

Svallfors, Stefan “’Most MPs are not all that sharp’. Political employees and representative democracy”, International Journal of Public Administration, Vol 40 (7), pp 548-558 (2017) Ladda ner pdf

Svallfors, Stefan “Politics as organized combat – new players and new rules of the game in Sweden”. New Political Economy, Vol 21 (6), pp 505-19 (2016). http://10.1080/13563467.2016.1156662 Ladda ner pdf

Svallfors, Stefan “Out of the Golden Cage: PR and the career opportunities of policy professionals”, Politics & Policy Vol 44 (1), 2016, pp 56-73. Ladda ner pdf

Tyllström, Anna and John Murray (2019), ”Lobbying the client? The role of policy intermediaries in corporate political activity”. Organization Studies. Published online October 18, 2019. Ladda ner pdf

Tyllström, Anna (2019). “More than a revolving door: Corporate lobbying and the socialization of institutional carriers.” Organization Studies. Published online May 30, 2019. Ladda ner pdf


Svallfors, Stefan Politics for Hire. The World and Work of Policy Professionals. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2020.


Brunsson, Nils and A. Tyllström, 2018, “When Sellers Create Markets: Dilemmas and Challenges in Markets for Professional Services”. In: Brunsson, N. & Jutterström, M. (eds.) The Organization and Re-Organization of Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 82–100.

Selling, Niels, and Stefan Svallfors. 2020. “The Peculiar Market for Political Skills.” Pp. 78–98 in Politics for Hire: The World and Work of Policy Professionals, S. Svallfors. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Svallfors, Stefan, “Politics for Hire: Policy Professionals in the Age of Neoliberalization”, pp 35-40 in Andersson, Jenny & Olivier Godechot (Eds.) Destabilizing Orders – Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism: Proceedings from the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference. Paris: MaxPo Discussion Paper 18/1, 2018.

Svallfors, Stefan and Anna Tyllström (2020). "Lobbying for profits: the Swedish case”, pp. 99-119. in Politics for Hire: The World and Work of Policy Professionals, S. Svallfors. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Tyllström, Anna (2017). Lobbying in Practice. In C. Garsten & A. Sörbom (Eds.), Power, Policy and Profit: Corporate Engagement in Politics and Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Övriga publikationer 

Svallfors, Stefan & Anna Tyllström ”Välfärdslobbyisterna har lyckats säkra vinsterna”, Debattartikel, Dagens Samhälle, January 26, 2018.

Tyllström, Anna. ”PR – vad är problemet? Oreglerad PR-marknad är ett långsiktigt hot mot demokratin”. Liberal Debatt Nummer 3/2016.


Stefan Svallfors:

2020-12-10 ”Politics for Hire: the World and Work of Policy Professionals”, Department of Political Science, Göteborg University

2020-11-25 ”Politics for Hire: the World and Work of Policy Professionals”, Department of Social Sciences, Södertörn University


The politics of administrative design: Partisan conflict and bureaucratic discretion in Sweden 1960–2010

Vetenskapliga publikationer

Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren (2017). “The Political Dynamics of Bureaucratic Turnover”. British Journal of Political Science, published online: 04 September 2017, pp. 1-14.

Holmgren, Mikael (2018). “Partisan Politics and Institutional Choice in Public Bureaucracies: Evidence from Sweden”. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, published online: 28 February 2018, pp. 1-16.

Working papers

Dahlström, C. och Holmgren, M. (2015) "The Politics of Political Appointments". QoG Working Papers Series 2015:4. Länk till pdf

Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren (2017). "The Link between Appointments and Appropriations in the Politics of Administrative Design". QoG Working Paper Series 2017:1. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute.

Holmgren, M. (2015) "Endogenous Bureaucracy". QoG Working Papers Series 2015:3. Länk till pdf

Holmgren, Mikael (2017). “Agency Problems and the Politics of Administrative Reorganization”. QoG Working Paper Series 2017:4. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute.


Holmgren, Mikael. 2016. Partisan Politics and Institutional Choice in Public Bureaucracies. University of Gothenburg: Department of Political Science.


Dahlström, Carl (2018). “Delegering, politisering och svensk statsförvaltning”. I Dahlström, Carl (red), Politik som organisation, 6:e upplagan. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Dahlström, Carl, Mikael Holmgren, Christian Björkdahl, Anna Khomenko, Richard Svensson, and Pär Åberg. 2016. "Swedish Administrative Agencies, 1960-2014." University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute.


Dahlström, Carl and Anders Sundell (2016). “Political Appointments and Agency Spending”. Presented at the Southern Political Science Association annual meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 7-9 2016.

Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren (2016) “The Link between Appointments and Appropriations in the Politics of Administrative Design”. Presentation at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia, PA, September 1-4.

Paneler på internationella konferenser

Organizer of the panel “Political Control and Agency Budgets” at the Sothern Political Science Association annual meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 7-9 2016.

Organizer of the panel “Partisan Politics, Agency Budgets and Political Appointments” at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, USA, September 1-4, 2016.

Presentationer efter särskild inbjudan

Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren. ”The Politics of Administrative Design”. Department of Political Science, Uppsala University, Uppsala 2016.

Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren. “The Link between Appointments and Appropriations in the Politics of Administrative Design”. Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, Oslo 2016.